Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dog eating fish and Botox at 25

I have been hanging out with Nila and the little baby a lot recently. From Scrapbooking with Kristen, to making emergency store runs, to going to the Huntington, to today visiting the California Science Center with her fam. SO MUCH FUN!  I met a new friend in the aquarium there. I really wanted to give him a hug.

This  dude was HUGE!! the picture serves him no justice, nor the eel underneath. Pretty sure they could have eaten my 50 lb dog. Watching these guys in the aquarium, I was so fascinated. I started to think about how cool fish are swimming around (or in his case sitting still). We were seeing schools of fish near the top, and the kelp flowing in the current, and the starfish being starfish. I'm just so in awe of aquatic life. I started contemplating going vegan again because I feel bad that we hunt these poor guys, then I started craving sushi and I was over it. Needless to say I had a pretty fun day. It was so cute to see Ethan so interested in all the exhibits! The kid is absolutely adorable!

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Scrunching my eyebrows for just about every expression I make. I have always done it and it pisses me off because I have that horrid wrinkle between my eyebrows now
Cute on Boris

Not so cute on me.

Thank God for Botox right?


  1. hahahaha of course you chose the pic where it looks like I am wearing nothing except for the veil! so that was a really quick turn around on being vegan..... you know I would have to give you tons of crap for a while if you did decide to go back. SUSHI is your stomach's friend!!!!!!!!!!! EAT SUSHI!!!!!! ;D lol love ya!

  2. Hahaha, thanks for complimenting Ethan! I miss running around with you, why do you have to go to school! haha, just kidding! Write more!
